Sunday, July 17, 2005

May I introduce you to "Murphy's Law"

Sorry I have not written in a while. I could give you some really creative excuses ... but I really only have one boring one - time has flown.

Each day goes by so incredibly fast. Before I know it August will be upon us. The work that I am doing is not very difficult but it does require a lot of planning and follow through. Some of you may have heard of Murphy's Law - for those that don't know, Murphy's Law states that if there is the slightest possibility of something going wrong it will go wrong. Basically, "Murphy" is the ultimate pessimist. I bring this law up because much of my time is making sure "Murphy" does not raise his ugly head when we are out and about on missions. For example, if there is the chance that someone may forget to wake up on time, I have a senior sergeant wake the person up 15 minutes earlier; if the team as a whole is not moving the way I want them to in the morning before we head out "outside the wire" and we are running the risk of forgetting something important, then so that Murphy does not "bite us", we form up for inspection 30 minutes earlier than get my drift right?

Well, in my world right now - which is filled with plans, briefings, guns, radios, coordinations with many other organizations we are supporting in this area, e-mails, meetings, and (oh yes) the Iraqi people - most of my time is spent making sure that the primary mission for the day is accomplished - which is everyone comes back with all their fingers and toes. I am always conscious of that Murphy guy!

If everyone comes back safe, we have had a good day. The secondary mission is whatever work we had to do for that day - whether it was conducting an assessment in part of a large city, or visiting with government officials to discuss a specific issue or broad range of issues, or conducting a goodwill visit to a hospital, school, or village to meet/greet folks and hand out supplies and/or beanie babies.

Then, at the end of the day I still have from 6 pm to about 9:30 pm to do catch up work and do other types of planning. I am hoping that my schedule will allow me to actually attend church on Sundays as well as have a lot more personal time in the evening. We shall see.

And given all of the above, I must say that I am enjoying the work. I am able to implement some initiatives and improvements in the way that we work over here and in the quality of products we produce.

How is life over in the US of A for each of you? Please write when you can I love to hear from each of you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your explanatory email received and noted. We're fine -- off to visit a castle today -- Nana is doing the driving and I do navigating -- suprisingly, it's working really well. Sounds like you're busy but happy (relatively) in your work -- don't forget the first axiom in Murphy's law - things go wrong and they always go wrong at the worst possible time. Take care and luv -- Gran-pere

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi big guy: I approaching the big six O and 'feeling good !"! We are all waiting for baby AUSTIN to appear and T & R are here tonight for a ;barbi'keep strong and this will be over....I might treat you to a 'ruby' when I see you
Love DAD xxxxxxxxxxx
alias 'me me me me me me'

1:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Buddy,
Very glad to see your post today- as we've all been thinking of you and wondering how things have been as of late. Things are fine here... and time is flying by here too! It's been a summer like I remember as a kid... real heat, and lots of BBQs, swimming, gatherings. Great fun!
Keeping you and your team in our thoughts and prayers!

7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi . . I'i, it's the sister who can sing here ... I hope you are well and have accessed a few squeeze songs. I'm having a fantastic time playing on our boat and learning how to sail. Off next week on a sea adventure. Thinking of you and planning our next trip to see you.

Stay Golden :)

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad that you are doing many good things where you are and that time is passing quickly! We are all doing well. Our littlest (at 21 months old) has gone on the pottie all by himself (#2 that is) and insists on going on the pottie quite often. This is of course in an effort to imitate his older sister. He has thankfully not yet figured out that this is a good place to catch-up on his reading material, as his big sister has already made a habit of. Anxiously looking forward to the next stages of parenting!
We always have you in our thoughts and prayers! Looking forward to seeing you upon your return!


12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see that job #1 is going well. Not sure it's relevant given the nature of job#1 & #2, but life in corporate world goes on. While their have been announced changes at "HAL", not sure if they will impact your old group. Lots of joint opportunity, wish you were still here (could use some real help in the "planning" dept). Be safe; I'm sure one of those creative ideas of yours will make a lasting impact. Sincerely,
The Cognoid alliance guy

8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wednesday, July 20th. Hubby and I are preparing to motor east tomorrow to spend the weekend with long-time friends. On Sunday, there's going to be a reunion between ourselves, our weekend host and hostess and mutual friends. As it's many years since the six of us have spent time together, there will be plenty of photo opportunities.

Our vacation days are flying by as are any thoughts of maintaining our weight. We think (vaguely) of weight control as we devour roast dinners with all the trimmings and high-calorie desserts but then wonder what delicious fare is going to be on the menu tomorrow!

Keep safe.



9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dude, the old man here: Murphy’s law i.e.: 'Sods law’!!I have had it all my life ...there are two ways to handle it , 1/ sing that well known song 'Always look on the bright side of life' whistling at the end !! Or 2/ kick it into touch shouting 'AVE-IT !!...(wise words softly typed ).....
Other news: all waiting for young Austin to appear: I have been asked to be there at the time. the comfort end ,! 'Not the business end' as she is having him at home in a 'Birthing-pool' I feel an excuse coming on !!.... That’s it for now, stay alert and come home safe
as soon as you can...we love and miss you..... The chief cockney cook..xxxxxx

3:20 AM  

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