This is the first of several pictures taken from a day trip to a large, beautiful lake resort area in northern Iraq. In this picture, we were relaxing by part of the lake where folks eat food, play music, etc. I was able to meet a family visiting from Baghdad. In this picture, the mother basically said "please hold him - give me a break for a while!". Everyone in the picnic area where we were by the river was very nice to us. One of the guys even let me play my ecletic (spelling?) music CD on his car stereo. Imagine me eating kebabs while listening to Spandau Ballet in the background!
Sometimes, after reading through all your reports to catch myself up on how you're doing and what you're doing, I find it hard to remember that, after all that's said and done, we are at war. That said, through your perspective, it's great to see glimpses of normalcy in life, even there in Iraq. Even if they don't appreciate it now, I know the Iraqi people will appreciate it in years to come. Thanx for your great example.
Great photos! stay safe and keep posting the updates. It is nice to have a view that hasn't been filtered 300 times.
the cognoid alliance guy
sisterblister here. How are you doing? Great photo , the child is absolutely adorable!!! Picked son up from up north yesterday, he was visiting his father.I hadn't seen him in 2 weeks, and I was so happy to see him, he also felt the same way, although he didi have a good time visiting his father. All is well here. I pick up the parents next week, so it will be good to see them. How is the food over there? Talk to you soon. Love and miss ya!!! Elle
Wednesday. July 27. (In case you haven't heard) . . . Younger sister gave birth yesterday. Baby boy weighed 7 lbs. 5 ozs. on arrival. Mother and son are doing well, and we'll visit them tomorrow in hospital to give hugs and kisses :)
Hubby and I return home on August 1 after a month of touristing about, visiting family and relatives, and masses of fun.
Keep safe.
Middle Sister had baby !!!!! Both are well, ssiter will be home on Friday if you want to give her a phone call. Take care!
Elle(oldest sister)
We are loving your postings!! We feel your pain with the heat situation--it made it up to 109 today and 50% humidity here....but it is always a beautiful day!!
I realize that your bday is coming soon and the 4 kids are really anxious to send you something--anything you particularly need/want? Also will need an address or can I get that from my sister? Keep up the good work!!
In over my head
Hi, Alex. Norman and I were lucky enough the other day to have lunch with your mom-in-law and your beautiful Hali. The Fertig family, as always, cares very much about what you are doing, and about your wellbeing in particular. Thanks for serving your country; thanks for having such a swell family to share with us. We wish you well and you have our prayers. Sincerely, Georgia Fertig
Saturday, July 30. Hubby and I visited new mother and son in hospital on Thursday afternoon. New mother is doing well and son looks just like his father :)
Tomorrow afternoon, we will accompany our friends to an outdoor event and then return to their home to pack our suitcases for Monday's flight home.
Keep safe.
I can't recall the rules of engagement for this site. I presume we have to maintain some sort of cover. Since this is the first time I've posted -- who am I? Let's see -- likes to cook, HP group, same age girls, that ought to be enough. I'll use the moniker "Cookie."
Love your posts and pix. It is so hard to know what is really going on over there. The daily news is so negative. Your views offer a nice contrast.
I sure miss your comments in HP group. You always had something interesting to say. How are you meetings over there? Are there any like-minded folks you hang out with?
We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday, July 3rd. Hubby and I returned home on Monday night after spending a month away. We had a marvelous time as the multitude of photos show. When we get organized, we'll send photos on to you.
Keep safe.
Hi there, Sweetpea! How are you keeping? As you probably know, Mum and hubby have returned to NC and we miss them terribly. You know, it's hard to believe that one human being can devour so much tea on one day!
We took them to the hospital to see baby Austin last week and we met up with dad - he hasn't changed one little bit. I actually saw him very briefly about 12 years ago, but he hadn't met with my husband for almost 40 years! Unfortunately our walk down memory lane was only brief this time, but I do hope we can meet up with him again soon and rake over some of our mis-spent youth. I also met his wife for the first time and thought she was lovely. That, Sweetpea, is one of few advantages of getting old - you collect so many great memories and, no doubt, you're collecting a few of your own right now.
Bye for now ...
Love Surrogate Auntie Carole
Glad to see you're doing well. Your picture in Qatar made me realize I stood in the exact same place not all too long ago. The work you're doing, however, is far more important. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you or your family here on the home front. Stay safe.
Sorry I violated one of the rules....didn't come across them until after that post. Take Care.
Thursday. August 11th. Eldest granddaughter has spent the last few days staying with us and has attended a Pottery Summer Camp, part-time. We've thoroughly enjoyed her company and will miss her when she leaves for home tomorrow. She and I watched the epic movie, Gone with the Wind, over the past three nights while munching (big time) on snacks :)
Keep safe.
Friday, August 12th.
Eldest Daughter, Sweetie Pie says:
I love you and miss you so much! Here at Nana's house I see alot of stuff that reminds me of you. For instance, to earn money for Europe I was cleaning out your eldest sister's :) dvd/video/cd bookshelf, and on the Divine Madness cover, there's a singer that looks exactly like you! I have been thoroughly pampered here at your Mum's house, and have enjoyed my past two weeks straight of vacation!! I love going around and visiting Relatives and my Friend. By the way, don't you think we should get a dog? My sister and I are trying to convince Mom...but to no avail. I love you SOOO much and can hardly wait to see you. XOXOXOXO Sweetie Pie
Hello again, Sweetpea. How are you? The weather here today is quite uncertain - warm, sunny, but with some ominous clouds lurking in the distance - typical!
I see that your eldest child has been visiting with her nana and granpere. I guess she's having a whale of a time, as, indeed, will her nana! My granddaughter is almost 2 now, but I can't wait for her to be old enough to join me in those 'fun' games like hoovering, dusting, polishing and let's not forget ironing!
Well, I'll say bye for now, but keep posting those photographs, especially the ones featuring my favourite 'nephew'.
Surrogate Auntie Carole
Monday, August 15th. Whew! The heat index registered at 101 degrees here today, and while we're trying to remain cool, calm, and collected, we're reminded of the climate where you are. I'm off to pour myself a long, tall glass of water with plenty of ice-cubes!
Keep safe.
(This is a copy of a message I left for you against an earlier picture - you may not have seen it, so I have left it here as well!)
How are you going, mate? Your website is fascinating, especially the pictures and the article about the differences between Iraquis and US marines. I guess to know yourself is the first step to best helping others! I really admire what you are doing over there. I think what the Iraquis need right now is real, practical help, and that is what you are providing. If you need anything, just let me know direct or through your family. All my family here "downunder" are well, and wish you the best! And all our love to your family!
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